The Template include tags are used within one Template file (for example index.php) to execute the HTML and PHP found in another template file (for example header.php). PHP has a built in include() statement for this purpose, but these WordPress template tags make including certain specific files much easier.
See Using Themes and Theme Development for more information about Templates and Themes.
The get_header() tag includes the file header.php from your current theme’s directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/header.php.
The get_footer() tag includes the file footer.php from your current theme’s directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/footer.php.
The get_sidebar() tag includes the file sidebar.php from your current theme’s directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php.
The get_template_part() tag includes the file {slug}.php from your current theme’s directory, a custom Include Tags other than header, sidebar, footer.
This tag includes the file searchform.php from your current theme’s directory. If that file is not found, it will generate the search form.
See also get_search_form and Migrating Plugins and Themes to 2.7 for more detail.
This tag includes the file comments.php from your current theme’s directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/comments.php. To display comments on the main index or archive pages, you’ll need to set the $withcomments variable to “1” before calling this tag.
WordPress はそれらの特定のテンプレートをインクルードするために、上記のタグを提供していますが、便利な方法は全てのファイルを含める事です。これを行うには、PHPの関数をインクルードを使用する必要があり、普通WordPressは便利に簡単に作れるように定義されています。: TEMPLATEPATH
WordPress offers the above tags for including those specific Templates, but there is also a convenient way to include any file. To do so, you will need to use the include PHP function, and a constant WordPress conveniently defines for you to make things easy: TEMPLATEPATH.
[php][/php]Suppose you want to include a file called header2.php. Just insert the following line in your template where you want that file’s information to appear.
You could, for example, use this as a means of including a different header instead of the normal header.php which would be included with get_header().
- TEMPLATEPATHは、現在のテンプレートディレクトリーの絶対パスを参照します(最後に/なしで)。インクルードファイルよりむしろURLの参照の詳細については、テンプレートからファイルを参照を見てください。
- STYLESHEETPATHは、子テーマ内にあるファイルをインクルードするために使用すべきです。
- TEMPLATEPATH is a reference to the absolute path to the current template directory (without the / at the end). For information on referencing URIs rather than including files, see Referencing Files From a Template.
- STYLESHEETPATH should be used to include a file located within a child theme.
次は、”HTTP 404:見つかりません”エラーのテンプレートの非常にシンプルな例です(404.phpとしてテーマに含めることができます)。
[php]The following is a very simple example of a template for an “HTTP 404: Not Found” error (which you could include in your Theme as 404.php).
Error 404 – Not Found
get_header()、get_footer()、get_sidebar() は、1つのパラメーターを受け付けます。
get_header(), get_footer() and get_sidebar() accepts one parameter:
(string) (optional) sidebar-name.phpを呼び出します。例:sidebar-right.php,header-single.php、footer-8.php
(string) (optional) Calls for sidebar-name.php. For Example: sidebar-right.php, header-single.php or footer-8.php.
Default: None
get_template_part() accepts two parameters:
(string) (required){slug}.phpを呼び出します。例:nav.php
(string) (required) Calls for {slug}.php. For Example: nav.php
Default: None
(string) (optional) {slug}-{name}.phpを呼び出します。例:nav-home.php
(string) (optional) Calls for {slug}-{name}.php. For Example: nav-home.php
Default: None
- 1.5 :
- get_header() was added to include the template header.
- get_footer() was added to include the template footer.
- get_sidebar() was added to include the template sidebar.
- 2.5 :
- The name parameter was added to get_sidebar().
- 2.7 :
- The name parameter was added to get_header() and get_footer().
- get_search_form() was added to include the search form.
- 3.0 :
- get_template_part() was added to include the template other generic files.
- Browse source: wp-includes/general-template.php
Include Tags: get_header, get_footer, get_sidebar, get_template_part, get_search_form, comments_template,