IntenseDebateのプラグインである、IntenseDebate Commentsを日本語化しました。
IntenseDebate Comments 2.5の本体をダウンロード
IntenseDebate Comments 2.5のプラグインは、WordPress › IntenseDebate Comments « WordPress Pluginsからダウンロードしてください。
IntenseDebate Comments 2.5の日本語版を入れる場所
IntenseDebate Commentsプラグインの中にintensedebate-ja.moを入れたい場合
IntenseDebate Comments 2.5の日本語版配布をダウンロード
IntenseDebate Comments 2.5の日本語版は、下記をクリックしてダウンロードしてください。 (2640 ダウンロード )日本語版にあたっての翻訳監修
フルコメント、Intense Debateとワードの間に、アカウントデータの同期は、常にローカルで独自のサーバー上に格納されてコメントがあることを保証します。
IntenseDebate Comments enhance and encourage conversation on your blog or website. Custom integration with your WordPress admin panel makes moderation a piece of cake. Comment threading, reply-by-email, user accounts and reputations, comment voting, along with Twitter and friendfeed integrations enrich your readers’ experience and make more of the internet aware of your blog and comments which drives traffic to you!
Full comment and account data sync between Intense Debate and WordPress ensures that you will always have your comments stored locally on your own server.
- アンパックIntenseDebateのプラグインをダウンロードして後、あなたのブログでは、wp-content/pluginsフォルダにファイルをアップロードします。アーカイブは、すべてのIntenseDebateのファイルの’wp-content/plugins/intensedebate/’に位置されているディレクトリ構造はそのまま残していることを確認
- あなたの新しいコメントシステムを参照するには、IntenseDebateのプラグインを有効にする必要があります。プラグインのタブに移動して、リストをクリックしてアクティブにIntenseDebateのコメントを見つける。
- プラグインの設定ページに設定(以下”IntenseDebateの)を構成するためのプラグイン進んで活性化した。 IntenseDebate.comで追加のカスタマイズオプションは、アカウントを訪問することを忘れないでください。
Note: As is the case when installing any new plugin, it’s always a good idea to backup your blog data before installing.
After downloading the IntenseDebate plugin, unpack and upload the file to the wp-content/plugins folder on your blog. Make sure to leave the directory structure of the archive intact so that all of the IntenseDebate files are located in ‘wp-content/plugins/intensedebate/’2.
You will need to activate the IntenseDebate plugin in order to see your new comment system. Go to the Plugins tab and find IntenseDebate Comments in the list and click Activate.3.After activating proceed to the plugin settings page (under Settings > IntenseDebate) to configure your plugin. Don’t forget to visit your account at for additional customization options.
中には、訪問者はJavaScriptのコメントはIntenseDebateで作られた相互作用することが無効になってネットサーフィンを確保する IntenseDebateのが検索エンジンでは、JavaScriptを無視するインデックスを作成するには、標準的なワードプレスのコメントあなたのコメントを有効に出力されます。のJSを無効にした読者は、元のWPのシステムでこれらのコメントはIntenseDebateにインポートされるコメントをすることができます。
What is data synchronization?
Comments made in IntenseDebate are automatically backed-up to your WordPress comment system, while your existing WordPress comments are automatically imported into IntenseDebate. You always have all of your comments so uninstalling is a one-click process if you change your mind. Syncing your accounts enables auto-login so logging into WordPress automatically logs you into IntenseDebate. Profile sync also means that comments you make are synchronized to both profiles so you maintain ownership of your profile.
What about SEO?IntenseDebate outputs the standard WordPress comments enabling your comments to still be indexed by search engines that ignore JavaScript, while ensuring that visitors surfing with JavaScript disabled will be able to interact with comments made in IntenseDebate. Readers with JS disabled can comment in the original WP system and those comments will be imported into IntenseDebate.
How do I use my OpenID?While you can use your OpenID to login and signup with IntenseDebate, using your OpenID to synchronize IntenseDebate and WordPress accounts is not currently supported.
If you created your account using your OpenID you will need to access your IntenseDebate username and userkey. Your username and user key will allow you to sync your accounts. You will need to be logged into IntenseDebate in order to access your username and user key.
How do I sync my accounts?After installing and activating the IntenseDebate plugin you will need to update your account settings in your Plugin Settings page and either create an IntenseDebate account or login to your IntenseDebate account. Your data synchronization and comment import will start as soon as you have successfully logged in.
Please Note: Your comments may take several hours to import. The time of your import is dependent on how many other import requests we are receiving in addition to how many comments are currently being imported.
IntenseDebate Comments 2.5のスクリーンショット
An example of the comment system itself. Notice all the extra goodies like user profile information, reputation, threaded comments, comment voting, RSS feeds for everything, and more!
This is the enhanced moderation screen. Note the extra information about the commenter (same drop down menu for each user from the previous screenshot is available here).
The settings page for the IntenseDebate plugin. There are many ways to customize IntenseDebate to do just as much as you want it to.
First step in the registration process – syncing up your IntenseDebate account with your WordPress blog.
Second step of the registration process – the import to convert all your existing comments into IntenseDebate goodness.
Final step of the registration process – a few helpful links to get you started getting the most out of your new IntenseDebate comment system.
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